
Tourism is one of the most important lever for the development of national economy.

The enterprises of the tourism industry create significant multiplicity in the economy and operate beneficially for the primary sector, processing and trade, food sector, etc.

In order to ensure the continuity of tourism development, high specialization, continuous updating of the services offered, as well as respect for values such as sustainability, Sustainability, environmental protection and quality assurance.

We provide integrated Techno-Economical Services

  • Investigation & funding opportunities.
  • Feasibility studies.
  • Business planning and development Studies.

Tourism development requires the utilization of financial instruments either through programmes (REEC – nsrf 2014-2020, DEVELOPMENT Law, ROP etc.), or through funding from various Financial institutions (funds, banks, etc.).

Ensuring the viability of each investment project requires thorough analysis and documentation of the feasibility and viability of each project.

  • Licensing procedure of Hotels and other tourism installations.
  • Tourist Accommodation Classifications Audit.
  • Technical advisor Services.
  • Project Management.

The control of tourist accommodation is an important part of our activities and knowledge of the requirements is a significant inbox for the design and development of tourist units.

Sound management is a key factor in the success of a project, however complex it is when it is carried out with a specific process and the critical control points are recognized.

  • Development and installation of management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001 etc.).

The concepts such as quality, environmental protection, hygiene and food safety are becoming prime for the development of tourism businesses and especially of hotel units aimed at audiences that are increasingly Sensitized and demanding. Our team has a significant experience of such management systems.

  • Designing Concept (Architectural design).

Tourism is experience and in improving the experience this dominant role has the accommodation. The experience of our group in the development and implementation of hotel units, but also in general tourist accommodation from the birth of the idea (concept), until its realization, is the guarantee of the implementation of Each project.

  • Environmental impact studies and strategic environmental studies.

Environmental Licensing is the primary licensing Stage of an investment, and for this reason the study of the place of establishment of an investment, demonstrates and in principle the feasibility of each New Project.

  • Maturation, management and development of research projects and innovation Projects (R&D) (Horizon, Co-operation).

The development of each business idea, its maturation and its realization is a challenge for our team.

The exploitation of research results of innovative applications, as well as the knowledge stock and the high know-how of the group is an important key to success.

  • Development and management of specialised projects.

Our long experience and the preoccupation with important projects has shown that for the successful implementation of projects requires a holistic approach and from a technical, but economical point of view.

Our serviced based on

The implementation of research results and innovation.

Our long-time experience and expertise.

Our continuing education and training.

The use of new technological tools & applications.

Our collaboration with research organizations and quality certifiers.

Our participation in national assessment and control registers (on national and European level).

We guarantee

Sustainable and appropriate function of tourist accommodation.

Development and empowerment of tourism enterprises.

Establishment of tourism enterprises within the uncertain and complex business environment.

Technical feasibility of every investment project.

Market distinctiveness.